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There are many parallels that can be drawn between human ageing and dog ageing. In fact, you can almost depend on certain things happening to either set as the end of life draws near. Despite those humans, similarities and dogs have drastically different life expediencies.


In fact, life expectancy between kinds of dogs is different as well. Smaller dogs are actually expected to live a few years longer than medium sized dogs. Medium sized dogs are expected to live longer than larger dogs.


If you aren't sure which category your breed of dog falls under you can use a breed calculator. For more info about that you can contact Jim Hodges Dog Training. These offer fairly accurate results that can give you something to prepare for as the end of life for your dog draws near. These results are based on the breed and size of your dog.


Most people believe it is standard to have 7 dog years per 1 human year when you compare dog years to human years. While this works as a generalization it often doesn't have any basis in reality. Different breeds age differently.


Even so, there are many similarities that are the same in human ageing as they are in dog ageing. As humans and dogs get older they will develop stronger muscular features and will experience increased mental development.


As their ages climb even higher, these things start to deteriorate. This is where the differences end. While humans are generally left to live out the rest of their lives regardless of the diseases they encounter, dogs may be put to sleep if their illnesses get too bad.


Upwards of 64 % of dogs are etherized because of their diseases. That fact means that only 8 % of dogs live longer than 15 years. 16 % actually die from heart disease and cancer.


There are some things to look out for in both humans and dogs. The dog might sleep longer and be a lot less boisterous than he was in younger years.


Older dogs (and humans) might also experience some stiffness in their body. It is important to note that there are a lot more of them made for humans, and that dogs are more likely to suffer.


Despite the fact that their physiology is different, both dogs and human have some similarities. While you can't use an exact calculation to see when these age changes will occur in your pet, you can get a general idea. There are some common signs that will alert you.